
Maps by Square Fare

Sometimes, when you go out, you just want to have a good time. Go for it!

But sometimes, you also want to support your health and fitness goals or simply be mindful of how you’ll feel after your meal. For this reason, we analyzed restaurant dishes throughout New York so that you can find dishes that match your needs wherever you go.

If you’re traveling and are trying to eat healthy, take a look at our menu - our food is fresh, clean, organic and delivered to you. We accommodate for allergies, health and fitness goals and managing chronic conditions. All that is needed is to pop your meal 2 mins in the microwave! No planning, no cooking, no cleaning.

Going out?

Get in touch.

Interested in learning more about how you can hit your health and fitness goals? Let’s connect! Simply email Claire at or send us a message via the form below.

Emma Harvie, Functional Nutritionist at Athleats Nutrition

“As a nutritionist, it can be difficult if not seemingly impossible to find meal options for my clients that are convenient, flavorful, diverse, affordable AND that meet the client’s nutritional needs. Square Fare checks all the boxes and more, and Claire makes the process of improving health and dietary habits a seamless process for both the client and the practitioner! Recommending Square Fare to health-conscious individuals, athletes, busy working professionals and anyone with a passion for good food is a total no-brainer. Thank you, Claire! ”